2024 Summer Camp - Camp Constantin

Come to a week-long summer resident camp at
Camp Constantin, Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
for Boy Troops and Girl Troops!
Remember all adults must be registered with the BSA and have Youth Protection Training prior to coming to camp.
The State of Texas has approved the online YPT to meet the Youth Camp Code.
***Boy troops and girl troops must each have their own reservation, separate two-deep leadership,
and deposit even if they would like to camp together.***
New for 2024! Canoe Trek Program. See below for more details on this exciting addition to camp.
Registration Types
- Youth/Adult: If you will have at least (2) Scouts and (2) adult leaders on camp all week, register as a Youth or Adult Participant.
- Maverick: If you will not have these minimums on your unit registration, you must register as a Maverick Youth or Maverick Adult.
Youth Participant (Scout) Costs
This is for Scouts attending with at least (2) Scouts and (2) adults.
Scouts/Units must have at least (2) adults present on camp all week.
- Early Registration: $355 per Scout ends May 15, 2024, at 10:59 p.m. CST
- Regular Registration: $375 per Scout begins May 15, 2024, at 11:00 p.m. CST
Adult Participant Costs
This is for full-time adults attending where there are at least (2) adults present at camp all week.
All adults must be currently registered members of the BSA to attend camp. They must be listed on the roster pulled from my.scouting.org.
Units must have at least (2) leaders present on camp at all times. Up to (2) full-time leaders will attend for free to maintain two-deep leadership regardless of number of scouts attending. Part-time adults cannot be combined to earn the complimentary adult attendance.
- Early Registration: $225 per adult ends May 15, 2024, at 10:59 p.m. CST
- Regular Registration: $250 per adult begins May 15, 2024, at 11:00 p.m. CST
Adult Participant (Part-Time) Costs
This is for adults who will be attending one or more nights but not for the whole week.
All adults must be currently registered members of the BSA to attend camp. They must be listed on the roster pulled from my.scouting.org.
- Part-Time Adults may register for a daily rate of $36 per day (3 meals & 1 overnight in tent).
- Part-time adults cannot be combined to earn the complimentary adult attendance.
Maverick Registration Costs
The Maverick registration is reserved for persons who do not meet the minimum (2) youth and (2) adult registration requirement. To ensure the best experience for the Scouts and adult leaders, each Maverick Scout must be accompanied by a parent/guardian (Maverick Adult). The Maverick Adult must be a currently registered member of the BSA.
Maverick Scout Costs
- Early Registration: $400 per Scout ends May 15, 2024, at 10:59 p.m. CST
- Regular Registration: $430 per Scout begins May 15, 2024, at 11:00 p.m. CST
Maverick Adult Costs
- Early Registration: $225 per adult ends May 15, 2024, at 10:59 p.m. CST
- Regular Registration: $250 per adult begins May 15, 2024, at 11:00 p.m. CST
Payment Schedule
$100 non-refundable, non-transferrable deposit is due with each registration PLUS
Payments are due for each Scout on the date below:
- February 14, 2024, at 10:59 p.m.: Scout - $100
- March 15, 2024, at 10:59 p.m.: Scout - $150 (total of $250 due by this date); Maverick Scout - $250
- May 15, 2024, at 10:59 p.m.: All participants - final balance due including all additional fees such as t-shirts, classes, etc.
- All payment is due in full for all participants on May 15, 2024, at 10:59 p.m.
***The deadline to register is 7 days prior to each week's session (Sundays at 11:00 p.m.). Late additions/substitutions after the deadline or walk-ins at camp cannot be accommodated.***
Information Required for Registration
All participant information is required to be entered in full by May 15, 2024, at 10:59 p.m. Beginning March 1, 2024, you will be required to enter participant information when registering. The information you will need to register is outlined below.
By registering for summer camp, all adults understand that Circle Ten Council will run a background check through the State of Texas.
- All: First and Last Name
- Adults: you must enter the full first name as on official identification e.g. Robert not Bob; Christine not Chris
- All: Date of Birth
- All: BSA Membership Number (you must pull this from my.scouting.org to verify that the participant is currently registered)
- All: Emergency contact name, cell phone number, relationship to attendee
- Adults: This is required.
- Youth: This is optional if different from parent information.
- All: Dietary Restrictions
- Dietary restrictions must be entered by registration deadline to ensure camp can accommodate these needs.
- All (Optional): Allergies, Medical Concerns/Mobility Issues.
- Although optional, any allergies and medical concerns must be entered by registration deadline to ensure camp can accommodate these needs.
- Youth: Rank
- Youth: Parent/guardian name, parent/guardian cell phone number, parent/guardian email address, parent/guardian relationship to Scout.
The Class catalog and class grid are available under the "Attachments" to view. Classes will be available to select on March 20, 2024, at 2:00 p.m.
- 2024 CON Class Catalog (Weeks 1 - 4)
- 2024 CON Class Catalog (Weeks 5 & 6)
- 2024 CON Adult Class Catalog (Weeks 1 - 4)
- 2024 CON Adult Class Catalog (Weeks 5 & 6)
- Scouts must be current on their fee schedule to be able to select classes.
Canoe Trek Program
This is a canoe-based trek on Possum Kingdom Lake!
Camp Constantin is proud to launch our brand-new trek program! This trek will consist of camping off-site away from camp on the various camping grounds around Possum Kingdom Lake (each within 15 minutes driving distance from camp) under the supervision of our Trek Directors. Scouts who participate will earn merit badges, awards and certifications while out and about on the trek. This is a great opportunity to experience something new and exciting and out of the norm of the regular summer camping experience.
- Program runs Monday morning to Friday morning
- Maximum of 10 Scouts per trek
- Minimum age: 15 years of age or old and have achieved Swimmer classification. Scouts BSA/Venturing/Sea Scout youth only.
- Additional personal gear needed (see Trek Program Gear List in the Program Guide - available March 1)
- Merit Badges and awards earned: Exploration Merit Badge, Paddle Craft Safety card, Snorkeling Award, 50-miler award
- Training completed: Safe Swim Defense, Safety Afloat, Hazardous Weather (done online on Monday at camp)
- Cost: $200 (in addition to main summer camp registration fee). This includes dedicated trained trek staff, supplies, awards and certificates.
Leader Guides
- The 2024 Summer Camp Camp Constantin Leader Guide and Program Guide are available under "Attachments" and on our Summer Camp webpage at https://circleten.org/posts/1209/camp-constantin2
Leaders' Meetings
All meetings will be via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5204778914?omn=82287062195
Meeting ID: 520 477 8914
One tap mobile: +13462487799,,5204778914# US (Houston)
- There will be a Wednesday and Sunday option for each of the three leader meetings.
- Leader Meeting #1: Wednesday, March 13 from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
- Leader Meeting #1 (alt date): Sunday, March 17 from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
- Leader Meeting #2: Wednesday, April 10 from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
- Leader Meeting #2 (alt date): Sunday, April 21 from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
- Leader Meeting #3: Wednesday, May 8 from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
- Leader Meeting #3 (alt date): Sunday, May 12 from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Required Documentation for Check-In
- Unit: Unit Roster downloaded from My.Scouting.Org. It must list all persons attending camp.
- Unit: Unit Youth Protection Training report (must show all attending adults are current with YPT).
- Unit: Weather Hazards Certificate (at least one adult; multiple recommended)
- Youth & Adults (both full-time and part-time): Annual Medical Health Record (parts A, B1, B2, and C). Must have been completed after June 1, 2023.
- Adults: Adult In-Camp State Compliance Form
- Out of Council Units only: One (1) copy of your council insurance claim form
Event Contacts
- Camp Director: Jamel Holmes, Jamel.Holmes@scouting.org
- Camp Business Director: Ryan Downey, Ryan.Downey@scouting.org
- Registration Assistance: Paula Bramble, paula.bramble@scouting.org
Please see the Circle Ten Council Cancellation & Refund Policy under Attachments.
It is the responsibility of the Registration Contact to inform all participants and their parents/guardians, if applicable, of the cancellation/refund policy.
Camp Constantin/Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
Sunday 06-02-2024 12:00 PM CT to
Saturday 06-08-2024 2:00 PM CT Past
Week 2
Camp Constantin/Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
Sunday 06-09-2024 12:00 PM CT to
Saturday 06-15-2024 2:00 PM CT Past
Week 3
Camp Constantin/Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
Sunday 06-16-2024 12:00 PM CT to
Saturday 06-22-2024 2:00 PM CT Past
Week 4
Camp Constantin/Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
Sunday 06-23-2024 12:00 PM CT to
Saturday 06-29-2024 2:00 PM CT Past
Week 5
Camp Constantin/Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
Sunday 06-30-2024 12:00 PM CT to
Saturday 07-06-2024 2:00 PM CT Past
Week 6
Camp Constantin/Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
Sunday 07-07-2024 12:00 PM CT to
Saturday 07-13-2024 2:00 PM CT Past