IOLS Training (Fall 2024)

No Registration Needed
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills is the required outdoor training for all Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters to complete the requirements of Basic Training. The skills taught are based on the outdoor skills found in the Scouts BSA Handbook. The course is also ideal for Venturing leaders because it focuses on skills that build confidence and competence in leaders conducting outdoor camping experiences. Youth who will be 18 years old soon should be trained if they are planning to be an assistant for a troop. (Youth Protection Guidelines will be followed.)
This fun-filled, hands-on weekend training event is designed to provide Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, WEBELOS Leaders, Troop Committee members and other new scout leaders with the basic camp skills required for Tenderfoot through First Class ranks. Outdoor skills are critical to the success of the Scouting program, and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills will provide leaders with the basic outdoor skills information needed to start a program right.
- You must attend both the Tuesday evening and the Fri/Sat weekend trainings to complete this course.
- Additional information on the weekend session will be provided at the Tuesday, September 24 training.
- Since this is a practical application of outdoor skills, the weekend portion of the course will be held rain or shine.
- You will need a completed copy of the BSA’s Annual Health and Medical Record form at check-in Friday night at Camp Karoondinha. Only parts A & B need to be filled out by you; no physical exam is required.
Completion of Youth Protection, Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Specifics and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills courses are all required to be considered TRAINED by the BSA for the Scoutmaster/Assistant SM position. You must be fully trained for your registered position in Susquehanna Council.
PREP MEETING: September 24, 6-9 p.m. (Location: Farragut United Methodist Church--a change from previously announced)
TRAINING: October 4-5 (Begins @ 6 p.m. Friday, estimated ending by 8 p.m. Saturday)
TRAINING LOCATION: Camp Karoondinha, 225 Thomas Dam Rd., Millmont PA. (Parking will be in the main lot, Trainees will hike into camp)
CHECK-IN: @ Maintenance Shed next to the parking lot. (Training begins PROMPTLY @ 6 p.m. Friday)
Questions/concerns? - contact course director Chuck Mertes at 570-971-1312 or email
Farragut United Methodist Church
Tuesday 09-24-2024
6:00 PM ET to 9:00 PM ET Past
IOLS Training
Camp Karoondinha
Friday 10-04-2024 6:00 PM ET to
Saturday 10-05-2024 8:00 PM ET Past