Wood Badge
Event Details

Scouting’s premier leadership training program for adults!
This is a two weekend event and you must attend both weekends.
Any Scouter currently registered with the Boy Scouts of America who has completed the basic leadership training for their registered position is encouraged to attend
Get full details at: https://colbsa.org/training/woodbadge/
Have you taken a BALOO or IOLS course in the Cradle of Liberty Council in the last 18 months? If so, you're entitled to an additional discount. Enter the coupon code that was provided to you in your peronalized email invite.
(Need BALOO or IOLS - click here: https://colbsa.org/training/outdoorleadercourses/)
When & Where
Wood Badge Weekend #1
Camp Hart
Friday 05-17-2024 7:30 AM ET to
Sunday 05-19-2024 5:00 PM ET Past
Wood Badge Weekend #2
Camp Hart
Saturday 06-08-2024 8:00 AM ET to
Sunday 06-09-2024 5:00 PM ET Past
Camp Hart
Friday 05-17-2024 7:30 AM ET to
Sunday 05-19-2024 5:00 PM ET Past
Wood Badge Weekend #2
Camp Hart
Saturday 06-08-2024 8:00 AM ET to
Sunday 06-09-2024 5:00 PM ET Past