Training - NRA CO-OP Muzzleloading Rifle Course

The NRA CO-OP Muzzleloading course is one of the primary levels of supervision required to conduct a Scouting America muzzleloading rifle range whether it be a unit or a council level activity
This is an instructor level course and the basic student course and BIT (Basic Instructor Training) are included. You must be 21 years of age to attain the certified level but can participate as a youth and attain the associate or assistant level. Contact the event contact for specifics of having a youth participate. The course starts promptly at 6pm on Friday. Please plan on eating dinner prior to your arrival as there will be no meal on Friday.
This is an NRA course and registration must be done at: Click Here to Register on NRA Training Course Website as well as on this page. The registration links on this page are for payment only as the NRA registration does not have the ability to collect your course fees. Pro-Tip: Register for the course on the NRA Training Course Website first and then return here to make your payment.
- Must attend both courses (BIT & Instructor)
- Must be at least 21 years of age to participate.
- Bring eye and ear protection, a note pad, 3-ring binder, pen/pencil and a hi-lighter.
- Firearms and ammo are provided.
- Premium housing provide
- Cost does not include NRA credentialing fee
Providing safe opportunities for learning and understanding range and target activities. Cascade Pacific Council camps offer range an target equipment and facilities to provide a complete program experience for all Scouts. Range & Target Activites are among the most popular and safest program activities in camp. We have invested in top-notch equipment for your Scout’s safety, advancement and fun. Approved activities by program are listed in the Guide to Safe Scouting.