2025 Kennebec Valley Merit Badge College

Contact Counselors to Sign up for Badges
Merit Badge College
Feb. 8, Mar. 8, and April 26*
(*for 90-day badge requirements and pre-arranged classes)
Augusta First Church of the Nazarene
30 Nazarene Dr, Augusta, ME 04330
Scouts must attend the same classes on dates provided and do homework and/or prerequisites to achieve badge(s) chosen. Please select only one class from each session. Scouts, contact the counselor of your choice for that badge. You are not registered in a badge until you have connected and confirmed your spot with the counselor. If you leave a message, please be sure to answer back. Counselor list on Third Page! Bold text denotes an Eagle required badge. Class size 2-10 scouts. Parents/guardians, you may guide your scout but don't do it for them. This is an opportunity for personal growth.
To be Prepared
• Class A uniform required.
• Bring your Blue Card signed by your Scoutmaster for each badge chosen - NO Blue Cards available.
• Do your Prerequisites and Homework or you may get a partial.
Some classes may not be finished through the college and need more time to be completed.
• Call your selected badge counselors before Feb. 4th. Ask about prerequisites when contacting.
• Bring your BSA Medical form and signed permission slip with you to the first session by your parent or guardian.
• Limited quantity Patches will be available: cost $5 each in cash. They should be in by the March session.
Preorder Pizza Meal by either texting BOTH Julie McKenney (207) 530-0362 and Theresea Poirier (207) 242-8130 OR click on this link Pizza and Patch Order Form.
2 slices Pizza: Cheese (C) or Pepperoni (P) or Hamburger (H), Drink, and Chips for $10 each session.
Scouts may not leave the building without an adult, so plan accordingly.
A Scout’s Guideline for Counselor contact:
• Call times UNLESS noted below are Weekdays: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM; Weekends Use Discretion. Please make all calls with an adult in the room knowing you are calling counselors.
• If counselor does not answer, leave the following information Speak Clearly and Concisely:
Your Name, Troop #, Your Phone Number, and Which Badge you are requesting.
• Repeat above information to be sure it was heard and clear
• For Text and Email, be sure to leave Name, Contact, Troop Number, Which Badge you are interested in & CC adult
• If counselor does not call, email, or text back in a few days contact again! Check your spam folder.
• Counselors who request Email or Text correspondence will require that you CC an additional adult. No second Adult on emails or texts, means no response back from counselor. Parent or Scoutmaster suggested.
• Be sure to understand pre-requisite of badge before hanging up with counselor.
• Badges without Prerequisites will require more homework.
Adult Trainings -- Contact to Signup
CM/ACM/CC/DL Specific - Chris Santiago chrisandjamiesantiago@gmail.com
All Day - February
SM/ASM Leadership - Walter Fails peacekeeper11467@gmail.com
All Day - March
Augusta First Church of the Nazarene
Saturday 04-26-2025
7:00 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET
KV Merit Badge College February
Augusta First Church of the Nazarene
Saturday 02-08-2025
7:00 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past
KV Merit Badge College March
Augusta First Church of the Nazarene
Saturday 03-08-2025
7:00 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past