Jamboree on the Water

Jamboree-on-the-Water (JOTW) is a “join-in” Jamboree where Scouts all over the World join in and organize an activity on the water, on the same day wherever they are. Cubs and younger Scouting sections could visit a local pond or lake or beach as part of a weekend camp. A Scout Troop might check out a water activities of any kind, particularly involving ships, boats, canoes, kayaks or paddleboats, or they could do some educational presentation or activity done while working on water-centered merit badge requirements. A Venture Rover Crew might make a service project out of restoring or maintaining portions of a dock or help with harbor cleanup or organize Scuba dives.
Participation is easy and fun. Plan any activity involving the water in July. Register your activity and participants online to receive an official JOTW certificate after the event.
The inaugural Jamboree on the Water will be held on the weekend of July 12-14, 2024 (the second weekend of July this year, which is the weekend that follows the July 9th anniversary of Sea Scouting). It will be organized annually thereafter on the second weekend of July.
Any event during the month of July 2024 will qualify. Commendations will be awarded to creative ideas!
Participants will be able to purchase a JOTW badge as recognition of having participated in this worldwide event.
World Scouting already has a two other “join-in” jamborees: (1) Jamboree-on-the Air/Internet (JOTA/JOTI), to Bring Scouts together “on the air” Via ham radios and the Internet, and there is also a (2) Jamboree-on-the-Trail (JOTT), to bring Scouts together “on land,” typically hiking. What is new is we are adding a join-in jamboree to bring Scouts together “on the water,” completing the SCOUTING TRIFECTA of activity (1) on the air, (2) on land and (3) on the sea. This added focus on Sea Scouting is definitely new and exciting. Now we have a whole trilogy!
For more information contact henson9999@gmail.com
ORDER JOTW Patches at: https://councilstuff.com/082?item=2505777