Online Certified Angling Instructor Course
No Registration Needed
BSA Certified Angling Instructor Course
Help Your Council, District or Unit Deliver a Quality Fishing Program
This 6 week online via Zoom course will be on Thursday evenings from 6pm-8pm PST, beginning August 22nd thru September 26th, 2024. It is designed to give Scouters the tools and ideas to get Scouts fishing. Certified Angling Instructor (CAI) Training Courses are facilitated by the BSA National Fishing Committee. Courses cover Cub Scout, Scouts BSA and Venturing Fishing Programs held at the Unit, District, Council, Area, Regional and National Levels. Simply put, CAIs teach Scouts and Scouters to fish!
Fishing helps you to “Deliver the Promise of Scouting”. CAIs learn age-based and skills-appropriate fishing tools and techniques, ranging from a simple cane pole to fly fishing. The course highlights best practices in both the classroom and in the field. We will ignite your desire for introducing Scouts to the wonderful world of fishing. Boy’s Life recent survey found that Scouts chose fishing as the fourth most preferred outdoor activity, yet only 35% go fishing within Scouting. You can become a Fishing Advocate for your unit, district and council and utilize fishing as a good tool for Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation. Share your passion for fishing.
Why Become a CAI?
Fishing is one of the most popular youth activities. In a 2018 survey, Cub Scouts were asked what activities they most wanted. They answered in this order:
1. Camping
2. Pinewood Derby
3. Hiking
5. Fishing
The same question was asked of Scouts BSA participants. They wanted:
1. Camping
2. Hiking
3. High Adventure
4. Fishing
Course Highlights
Become recognized as a BSA Certified Angling Instructor an Official Train the Trainer Certification CS-61. Receive a CAI patch and Certificate.
Learn basic fishing and fly-fishing skills - fly casting, fly tying, where to find fish, knots and how to teach them, and much more. Learn to teach all Scouting levels for recruiting, retention, and advancement.
As a CAI (Certified Angling Instructor) you will have an opportunity to get fishing and fly-fishing equipment at greatly reduced rates for teaching Scouts.
Apply your learning working with Scouts on Sunday
Learn about the Complete Angler Award for Scouts in your council. Commit to making fishing a priority within your council. Course includes full coverage of skills development, resource awareness and improvement, merit badge counselor instruction, fly-fishing instruction with a focus on teaching others, how to improve the council’s fishing programs, and opportunities to offer fishing year-round. Ideal for those wishing to enhance fishing program’s emphasis within their Scouting world and lead Scouts into the wonderful world of fishing and fly-fishing.
Fishing is a Favorite Outdoor Activity for Scouts
Fishing with Scouts is an outdoor activity providing Scouts with fun, skills development, family participation and strongly supports sound conservation awareness. Fishing programs have great opportunity with minimal investment to help support unit and council recruitment. Most resident camps offer marginal fishing programs and are in need of Angling Instructors to assist and train merit badge counselors and cub scout fishing programs. As a CAI you can make fishing a priority within your scouting world.
Who should attend?
All adult leaders – Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, ASMs, Committee Members, Merit Badge Counselors, Crew Advisors, and all other BSA registered adult volunteers. Scouts (15 years and older) with parent and Scoutmaster permission. Everyone who successfully completes the course are eligible to earn the recognition patches and will be assigned a CAI number and receive a CAI certificate.
BSA fishing programs are very cost-effective recruitment and teaching tools! BSA Owns Outdoor Adventure! Help Fishing lead the way! Become a CAI today! No experience needed
How much does the course cost?
$10.00 fee for registration which includes upon completion a Certified Angling Instructor Patch and all the online resources to help build a fishing program in your units, districts and councils.
Via Zoom
Thursday 09-19-2024
6:00 PM PT to 8:00 PM PT
Session #6
Via Zoom
Thursday 09-26-2024
6:00 PM PT to 8:00 PM PT
Session #1
Via Zoom
Thursday 08-22-2024
6:00 PM PT to 8:00 PM PT Past
Session #2
Via Zoom
Thursday 08-29-2024
6:00 PM PT to 8:00 PM PT Past
Session #3
Via Zoom
Thursday 09-05-2024
6:00 PM PT to 8:00 PM PT Past
Session #4
Via Zoom
Thursday 09-12-2024
6:00 PM PT to 8:00 PM PT Past